
Cari Blog Ini

Rabu, 1 Disember 2010


ur money paid to income tax is used by the elected MPs & his cronies to enjoy year end holiday in Orlando , USA and Honolulu in Hawaii , USA while we all struggle the dying economy here in Malaysia .
Do you want this to continue/to happen where they spend OUR money like nobody's business or do you want to put a STOP to it???

You decide the future for OUR country. Remember any decision you make will be for another 5 years before you can change. By that time what will happen to our country's economy? Where is our money going? Only GOD knows. You decide, there is no one to force you.(see the evidence below to convince yourself and then make your decision)

General Election

We all know that once in a few years we are given the opportunity to vote.Why vote? It has no effect on the outcome. One vote alone may not count but many votes together become a voice to be reckoned with. Let your voice be heard. Let the RAKYAT voice be heard.This election, more so than others is a vital election because we are at a cross road. If we get it right we will prosper; if we get it wrong, we will suffer as we have seen in our neighboring countries.To help you decide please ponder these issues:

Do you think our politicians in power are corrupt?
Do you think our civil service is corrupt?
Do you think they are incompetent?
Do you think the people in power set themselves above the law?
Do you think our leadership has lost its way?
Do you think we are getting more & more divided by race & religion?
Do you think we have a questionable justice system?
Do you think that they are wasting our wealth?
Do you think our children will suffer more?

Do you want to see a change?


Just send this to 10 other relatives or friends and ask them to do the same to 10 of their friends and so on. By so doing we are enlisting the power of multilevel marketing. Yes the maths work and it is awesome. By the 7th level this message would reach 1,000,000 people. Yes we can make our vote count! Better believe it!! We owe it to ourselves and to our children.The MACC said that these are old cases. The MACC said that there is no evidence of fraud or corruption. The MACC said that the cases have been closed and the files marked No Further Action (NFA). So Malaysia Today is helping the MACC by providing the evidence they can’t seem to find.When it comes to corruption cases like this one, MACC suddenly becomes blind.

Raja Petra Kamarudin

sumber : Si Lembiks

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